
Happy New Year

First post of 2011!!! Allllrrriiiiiggghhhttt
New years resolution? For me is to keep this blog going all year. not making any promises....

We have something new: Adoptables! Like these
How it works:
•"adopt" an egg and post it on your website/blog/myspace/anything that allows basic html
•Wait for three days for the egg to become a baby
•after five days the baby will turn into an adult
•finally, after two weeks, it will grow old and stay that way forever (never dies)

I don't know if this is a very good idea because everyone is on facebook, and this doesn't work on it. No one uses myspace anymore *boo hoo* and I don't know barely anyone who has a website or a blog or anything like that. I was thinking of using v-petsite or myadopts but both of them are shut down for some reason. Welp, if you are interested, here are the eggs here, I guess....

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