

Hey peeps haven't posted in a while and i'm sorry bout dat. I've just been lazy so today I'm going to try to glitter a blythe doll. I was thinking about that today and I realized how I pretty much forgot about that. So... yeah. It should be done by today or tomorrow.


Mood: Banana-ish


First post of November!

Yay! Happy November Everyone! Today's weather is AMAZING! There is not a cloud in the sky and it's not too hot or too cold, no wind, just MILD. Kinda like white people salsa! ; D
how was your halloween!? Was it fun!? I KNOW MINE WAS!!
I dressed as a hobo and my friend dressed up as a neverland fairy (a.k.a. tinkerbell) and we went out and got a big buttload of candy! It was flippin awesome!

Our pumpkins freakin rip:




My dog! YAY!

oh also one other thing, I got a mini memory match game in my halloween bag and I timed myself on matching them all and I got 3:34! Pretty good, right? There were 40 cards, which means there were 20 matches I had to make. Mad skillz!

Mood: oh so content